Turtle’s End…


In the usually quiet island of PYRRHIA, where nothing much ever happened, an unusual event unfolded. The sky crackled with shadows, showering the unsuspecting dragons of Jade Mountain with shimmering talons of power. Within days, news spread that Darkstalker had returned with extraordinary abilities. Turtle, a quiet overthinker, found himself able to enchant objects with a flick of his talons. Kinkajou, the joyful and happy one, discovered her ability to enchant objects too. Together, they formed the bravery to stand against Darkstalker  to protect their island and all the dragon…




Today was supposed to be an ordinary day at Jade mountain I had to the library with kinkajou and Qibli since we were worried about what’s been happening around Jade Mountain, there has been some news of Darkstalkers return I thought he was a legend and I thought he was dead but I was wrong if you didn’t know what happened a thousand years ago it was terrible, Darkstalker enchanted his own father to obey his every command.


When you think about it there’s no way to release that spell off father and since it’s been a thousand years it is probably impossible also Darkstalker got trapped in the mountain which made everyone think he was dead but somehow he survived.


Darkstalkers is out for revenge, he wants us. The reason, Is because we pushed him into the mountain we did it to protect pyrrhia from his magic what now he’s back and we might be safe by his mind reading Because I’m a sci-fi but we’re not safe by his powers, but anyway I need to avoid him as much as possible because heard that he was going to tried to be king of the nightwings which is bad because he could use his magic to make everyone his slave since he’s the most powerful animas in history, I need to keep all my friends safe. Basically I think he might be Immortal, I think that we need everyone’s opinion to see what we should do next…




Ok so I kinda fell asleep so I need to make it back home now, to talk with everyone, lucky are caves are next to each other so let’s go get them now. Oh wait there is Anemone and Darkstalker wait, why are they up so late? If you don’t know, Anemone is my sister and she’s an animas too but Darkstalker here t


 “Turtle,” said Anemone, “where are you going?” 

“uhh nowhere” replied Turtle 

“well come over, Darkstalker wants to meet you”


“Stop being a little dragonet”

“I need to do something first” replied Turtle

“Fine!” said Anemone

I got out this time. I need to try and get away to prove to everyone that Darkstalker is evil because I’m pretty sure he’s put a spell on everyone that he meets like him and automatically thinks he’s safe.



Wait, is that Darkstalker? Oh no he is coming this way, why are my eyes getting blurry, what’s going on?!!

( blacks out )


Day 3


Where am I, am I in some sort of dungeon? Who are you, why am I here? 

A serious voice, very dark and deep that came along the dungeon walls saying 

“ I have captured him master” 

“Good” replied Darkstalker

“He’ll will be helpful soon”


Oh no what will he do to me and how did he find me? I thought I was safe from him, what will he do with me now..

Well I guess that I just have to wait now 


Day 4


The Entity

The Entity

The sky was full of dust, mist and you couldn’t even see the sun. It was terrible! The ground felt like volcanoes and sounds were so muffled that the only thing you could even hear was muffled roars and creatures walking in the dry bushes. There were strange caves full of these weird writings on the walls. I don’t recognise the place! But something’s here, something big. and it’s after me

Let me explain how I got into this situation. It all started a few days ago…

I was walking in the forest when I found these weird ancient ruins. I’ve heard about these before and they are known to be haunted. But I was willing to take the risk. I wanted to know what happened beyond the stories. it looks like a artifact over here 

Its looks really interesting it has so many of these weird engravings on it, like people’s names but in another language

Ugh what happened? Where am I? I feel so light-headed I feel like I’m hearing voices.. I think I will just go to sleep. I mean I feel like I’ve got no memories. Here I mean these giant trees and thick leaves. It looks like they’re dripping poison. Is this a dream? I better avoid this area anyway.

#DAY 2

I think there’s someone in the distance, it looks like some sort of figure, there could be somebody else here. I better go over to see if they know where I am but  they’re really far away. It looks like they could be at least three miles away. Oh wait, there’s a mushroom. It looks really cute It’s red and white and it looks like there’s a bunch of them there’s a purple and green one, a pink and white one, there’s also purple blue one it’s almost looks like the glowing, like their magical but obviously magic isn’t real, I mean who would believe me if I said I saw a unicorn or just glowing mushrooms. wait where was I going again what’s going on feel like I’m losing memories every second I try to think, think me think, where was I going?

 Wait I know I was going to meet a person wasn’t I, okay let’s see, where they go are they better not wandered off well I better just give up there’s so many strange things going on over here, wait there’s moonlight over here oh wow I can see the moon but wait that means it’s night time again didn’t I just go to sleep. What is happening? I thought I would never see the sky again, but it’s not much help. It looks like there’s a den over here. It looks like it could be a dragon den but looks abandoned. Wait, I think that there is an egg in there, but is it worth the risk? yes, yes it is, wait how am I going to get this back to the cave I mean I could stay here for tonight, well I am tired anyway my as well go to sleep…

#DAY 3

What time is it? I feel like I have been hit with a sleep spell or something but I need to get going. I have already been here for 5 days or more. I need to get out of here. Wait, what is that? It looks like dark fire but that can only mean one thing, wait but no, it’s not possible it can’t be, an Entity but I thought it was a myth, wait is that how I got here, the Entity did it bring me here? That means it is singling me out, and I must be its next target…

Entities only come into your life for a reason, I don’t know what that reason is but there must be some sort of glitch. I don’t know where it is though, but it must be in the most dangerous place and I think I know where that is. Glitches only occur when players and people don’t go much, normally the reason they get there is because most of the time there’s some sort of thing guarding it. there must be some way to get around it but I feel like I am losing memories and so I must be quick, that’s also probably the way but with the Entity in my way it’s going to be hard, ok so I think I know where this places and I’m pretty sure It’s a big underground cave system but it has this creature in it and when I found it had a old sign next to it saying the warden, which sounds very dangerous but I have to go quick I need to find my way out

Ok here it is the cave, I saw this book a while ago that said some stuff about the warden. It said it’s blind and if you move really slowly then it can’t hear you or see you so that’s what I need to do. oh wait I see the glitch. It’s a spiral of different colors mostly black,blue and red. Okay here I go, wish me luck!

I need to be really quiet down here. It feels really yucky. It is almost like this silk down here. There are these black blocks that feel like moss with white stars they look really pretty but I can’t get distracted I have to get that glitch

#Day 4

Mays red ball

This week we are learning about Red Bull it’s about two siblings and one of them hates the other because they’re better everything it’s very cool story and I recommend you read it we did a wanted poster about one of the characters there are three characters May either and the green eye fairy I didn’t know she’s a very chill person

The Red Ball

This week we have been reading The Red Ball it’s a very cool story about two sisters very close and age, the sisters’names are Ida and May you might think that this would make them good friends but you’d be wrong the older sister Ida was quiet in the shy and sometimes a bit clumsy, but her younger sister was the complete opposite she was loud fast and she did lots of games with balls so she never miss a catch. The problem with this is that Ida was older and she was jealous and had Envy of May because she was better at everything this Envy and jealousy got so bad that she made a wish to a green-eyed fairie and she wishst that her sister would just disappear but that’s exactly what happens at that second ida regretted her wish and wanted her beautiful sister back and eventually ida manage to save her sister and everything we’re back to normal you might be happily after but of course of course silly still argue and and say mean stuff but they never wished ever to green-eyed fairie again

The planet uranus

Uranus is a pretty funny planet especially the name and there’s a lot of cool things about it. I made this cool video on canva and i use a video for my background we added our own information so I wasn’t I was a copying straight from the web, I was taking stuff from the web and using it in my own words but I don’t do this on my own I did this two other people Addison and Cohen and we all work together done by the end of the week it was a very cool experience that I wish I could do it again!

The Ozone hole

In literacy I learned about the ozone hole and some facts about it, I will sharing with you my poster and what it haved to include the poster had to include facts about the ozone hole and if you also don’t know anything about the ozone hole I will tell you the ozone hole is a hole in the ozone as you probably know, but  the ozone actually protects us from harmful gases and add too much heat which that actually does the ozone but the ozone hole you might think well how do we survive then well only a little bit of gases and here comes through the hole and the whole is actually over New Zealand which is crazy

The Ozone hole

This week Kea have been working on agree or disagree writing where we got to choose a subject and write about why you should disagree with us or agree with us, it was a fun activity but it was a bit challenging to get the right words and I hope after you read my writing your agree with me if you agree with me then you can write a comment to my blog.

Embedding google doc

Today we learned how to Embed google doc the reason we learnt this is because we don’t want are reader’s travelling everywhere to see the work this way is so much easier they can just see it on my blog, but the bit I found challenging was copy and pasting everything

Embedding Google Slides

we were learnning how to embed slides today.

Before I embed my slide I need to change the share setting to ”Anyone with the link”

To get the embed code I click on file, then Share, then publish to the wed.

The click on embed, choose the size and playing settings, and copy the code.

On my post I then click on Add Media, Insert Embed Code, paste the code, and click on Insert.

The slide I Embedded here is a test slide to practice.